University of New Mexico

Multidisciplinary Research Facility

Acoustics By Design worked with Integrated Architecture, P.C., to perform a community noise prediction for the new MRF Building on the campus of the University of New Mexico.  The concern was that the new rooftop mechanical equipment could potentially violate the local community noise ordinance and thereby leave the UNM in legal hot water.

Our professional engineers used 3D modeling software to predict the sound emission levels for the proposed mechanical equipment.  From there we determined how loud the noise level would be at the property lines.  Our findings proved that the property line noise would exceed the legal limits, so we offered several noise mitigation solutions.  We made specifications for an engineered sound wall that, when installed, would reduce the mechanical noise to the desired level keeping the University of New Mexico well within the bounds of the local community noise ordinance.


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April 27, 2007